Welcome to Leading Power

Humanizing Leaders and their organizations

In today’s world we need Leaders who are human, conscious, truthful and driven by heart and purpose. That’s what leads to outstanding and contributing organizations.

“If you want to be a Leader, you have to become human first.”
Chinese Proverb

Claude Heini joins Guidely as Mentor/Coach, a unique platform for personal human development and growth. 

Have a look at https://guidely.com 

Participant feedback

“Very good and experienced Trainer following the participant’s Needs and wishes outlining theory with relevant examples from his experience. Compared to other soft-skill Trainers he differenciates with his hands-on way of leading the class instead of just forcing the theory via unpleasant role Plays (as often in internal soft skill classes).” Participant

“True leaders don´t look into books, they look into the eyes of their people.”
Monique R.Siegel

  • How effective are you as executive, as leader?
  • What do you observe with other executives and in your environment?
  • How much time and energy do you have to invest to create impact and which personal price do you pay for it?


Have you ever considered that every limitation or increase of impact is due to the thinking about yourself, about your colleagues and about the functioning of life itself (learned convictions)? The same is true for your current leadership understanding which defines and drives your current ledership impact.

Imagine you would know with which 20% of your leadership activities you would achieve at least 80% of impact , imagine you could achieve more and gain more persoal satisfaction with less effort ?
That’s possible if you admit and use deeply anchored wisdom, as well as your authentic power.

Interested, curious? Please have a look at my profile and at my offering and get in touch with me. I would be glad to personally get to know you and your current challenges.

Dr. Claude Heini

Plötzlich Chef – souverän in der Führungsrolle
The comprehensive guide for (new) managers. Everything a boss needs to know is available in german under this link.

"Award for the best teaching 2016"

Claude Heini receives the “Best Teaching Award” as lecturer at Kalaidos Fachhochschule.